And I have 2 more pinwheels to share from the Pinwheel Sampler Quiltalong from p.s. i quilt. These are both extras that I made, so I guess they both count as block #8.
I've actually made a bit more progress on my pinwheel quilt. I have finished the quilt top and have almost completed the backing. Haven't taken pics yet, so that will have to wait.
I also got my Botany layer cake in the mail and started on the Vintage Bear Paw quilt from Moda Bake Shop. I just love this quilt and had to try it! I am using a layer cake instead of charm packs and turnovers and it is working out perfectly so far. If this quilt turns out nice I may give it to my mom.
And last, but not least, I won't get much craftiness done this weekend because I am going to Cincinnati to run in the Flying Pig Half Marathon with my sister. We did Detroit last Fall, so now it's my turn to go to her. Should be fun!